We’ll help you to set up and run an environmental project in your town, school, neighbourhood or community. Your mentor will help you produce and develop an idea that matches your interests.
Here's some inspiration from previous BGF participants:
Gabby organised a small-scale short film festival, Eco Shorts, aimed at 14-17 year olds and featuring
5-10 minute shorts created by local people with an environmental message. She successfully sparked debates and built some momentum for sustainable development in her local area.
Gabby also created a short film herself to use as promotion for her event. This gave her the chance to experiment with cinematography - something she had wanted to do for a while.

Hazel wrote and directed a play at her local school exploring different emotional responses to the climate crisis. She found that the innovative piece was a useful way of engaging students and parents with important environmental questions.
"If I’m honest, I’m quite proud of it, even if I do struggle to watch the first few minutes I’m on camera!"

Maud ran an eco-awareness day for year 7s at her school, developing a framework of different exciting activities throughout the day. She said:
“The year 7s favourite part of the day was definitely spending an hour in the school garden planting and weeding. The students also made articles and posters online to show what they’d learnt from the day, as well as intention setting for what they’d change in their lifestyles."
Will set up a stall to raise awareness of local biodiversity. “I carried out research and made posters to use on my stall. I also got in contact with the Essex Wildlife Trust and managed to get some leaflets and event posters to use. I handed these out to the public if they wanted to get more involved with conservation. I even managed to collect some money for them.”

Charlotte teamed up with Refill and Transition Belper for her local project and launched Refill Belper to facilitate access to free tap water in the Belper & DE56 area with the aim of reducing single-use plastic bottles.
She has registered 31 local businesses to the Refill app to date and is looking to do many more. She also promotes the scheme at local carnivals and events and manages the Twitter account @Refill_Belper – check it out to see what she is achieving in this project.
After hearing of the shockingly low figures of tree cover in the UK, Chris decided to organise a tree planting event in the Yorkshire Dales, where only 3.6% of land cover is trees.
In January 2018 he organised two tree-planting days where 185 tree saplings were planted by 10 local volunteers. Chris planted tree species which are native to northern England and provide excellent habitat for local wildlife. Chris also used our handy Impacts Calculator to determine that his project will save 370kg of carbon per annum. Well done Chris!

For her local project, Sophie successfully completed 4 thorough energy audits of local households. She wrote up reports for each household and offered excellent energy saving advice.